Friday 7 March 2014

Local Directory Website Decides to Sell

Sevenoaks Internet directory website is looking for new owners after seven years in operation.

Run by a two man partnership of long time Sevenoaks locals, the duo have been working on the website in their spare time. Unfortunately, this seems to be time they no longer have as they recently announced:

"It's always been a website with a lot of potential that could be a real asset to the local community" 247oaks partner M. Cameron told us, "We have put a lot of work into the site over the years and we don't want to just let it die. We'd like to see some one help it reach its potential."

It seems the site was conceived to provide a central repository of contact details not just for Sevenoaks businesses but also community groups, sports teams, club and societies, and whatever else was of relevance to the people of the Sevenoaks District.

The team say they also wanted to provide for those that had no existing presence on the web and to provide an alternative to large, expensive, national directory websites that provided little real value either to the person searching or the business or entity they were searching for.

Further details can be found on the 247oaks website: