Wednesday 25 July 2012

Local Web Directory is Looking for Feedback - The local web directory for Sevenoaks is run for the benefit of local people, businesses, community groups, clubs, societies and council services.

They are looking for feedback from the local community about their website so that they can make it better and tailor it to the needs of local people.

So why not pop over to the 247oaks blog and tell them what you like and don't like about the service?

If you haven't used their directory to find something in Sevenoaks why not try it out now? Or you could add a listing for your business, service, community group or whatever you think people need to be able to find in Sevenoaks. - The Sevenoaks Directory
@247oaks - Twitter

Daytime Drinkers Leave Vine in a Mess

Yesterday's sunshine was a welcome relief to most after weeks of rain and an apparent absence of summer.

However, some of those who took the opportunity to enjoy the pleasant weather were not so concerned about how their actions would effect others.

In warm weather the Vine Cricket ground attracts many who come to sun bathe, play games or just sit and enjoy the pleasant surroundings. While most of those who visited yesterday left the ground as they found it there were a number who chose to leave their mark.

Alcohol bottles and cans were left strewn around in places while others even brought (and abandoned) barbecues. Neither of which are permitted on the Vine.

By the end of the day all of the many bins around the ground were filled to overflowing. It is not clear if these were empty and the beginning of the day or whether they had yet to be emptied from the Olympic Torch Parade festivities on Friday.

Fines for littering are hard and expensive to enforce, especially at a location like the Vine, so it falls to the general public to treat the ground with respect and the council to clean up after those who don't.

Publicise Yourself with FREE Press Release Publishing

Here at the Sevenoaks News Wire we exist to help you tell the whole of Sevenoaks about what you're up to.

Whether you're a business, an entertainer, a charity, an individual or any other local entity you can use us to spread the word.

Send us a Press Release about what you're up to and we'll publish it for FREE!

You can add pictures to your Press Release and you can add links to your website. This will also help with your rankings in search engine results. Why not add links to you Twitter, Facebook and other social networking accounts?

So, tell us about your new services, product launches, events, seasonal promotions and special offers. We're here to help Sevenoaks people and Sevenoaks businesses.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Council Denies Terror Planning

Daniel Whitmarsh, Communication and Consultation Manager for Sevenoaks District Council, has denied claims that council staff have been preparing to respond in the event of a terrorist attack on the Olympic Torch Relay on Friday.

He says:
"There is absolutely no truth in the story..." and "Tomorrow we will be stewarding the event and as a matter of course our staff and 200 volunteers will wearing high vis clothing."

While the council have sent two messages asking for the original article to be removed we do not believe in censorship but in open discussion of the facts.

We are not aware of any threat to Sevenoaks or the Olympic Torch Relay and have no reason to believe there is anything for people to worry about.

However, we received information from a reliable source so either planning for a potential terror threat was an element of preparations for Friday or staff were inadvertently lead to believe that it was.

Due to the secretive nature of any discussions about such threats the public are always the last to know and potential public panic is always used as an excuse to keep things secret. The problem with this is that it then becomes impossible for the public to trust the word of those in authority and even means their statements will be questioned even when they are telling the truth.

Regardsless, Sevenoaks Newswire will be attending the Olympic Torch Relay in Sevenoaks tomorrow.

District Council Prepared for Terrorist Attack

UPDATE: Council responds to this article

Workers at the Sevenoaks District Council offices in Argyle Road have been told not to book meetings or appointments for Friday 20th July when the Olympic Torch comes to Sevenoaks so that they can all be available in the event of a terrorist attack.

Staff have been issued with high visibility jackets to wear if an attack happens, presumably because they will be asked to direct members of the public away from the event or to medical help etc.

No information is available at this time as to whether an actual threat exists as no warnings have been passed on to either the public or organisations preparing to be present on the day. Whether the council has received any intelligence from counter terrorism forces or is just making prudent preparations also remains to be seen.

While Sevenoaks seems an unlikely target for terrorist action local MP Michael Fallon is in a very high ranking position within the Conservative Party and could, potentially, attract interest from terrorists. We have yet to receive confirmation of whether Michael Fallon will be attending the event.

Note: Sevenoaks Newswire has no information to indicate an attack is either likely or expected. If you have any concerns about this event please contact the relevant authorities for up to date information.

Olympic Torch Coming To Sevenoaks

Friday morning (20th July) will see the Olympic flame arrive in Sevenoaks via Borough Green and Seal.

It is due to arrive at the Vine Cricket ground, up Dartford Road, at about 11.30am.

There will be a ceremony organised by the Town Council and LOCOG which will include a celebrity guest who has yet to be named. Guests in other towns have included sporting stars, pop musicians and well known TV and radio presenters.

A number of local businesses will be providing food and refreshments on the Vine.

Monday 9 July 2012

Cricket Everyday at the Vine

Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club is holding its annual Cricket Week this week on the Vine.

Weather permitting there will be cricket matches every day starting between 11.30am and 1pm. There are evening matches starting at 6pm on most days too.

The general public are fully welcome to come and watch all matches. Barbecue food will be available in the afternoons and the Vine Pavilion bar will be open all day.

A selection of real ales still remain from the Sevenoaks Lions Club Beer Festival at the weekend and will be available until they run out.

Muse Life Drawing Group

Practise your drawing skills with a friendly mix of amateur and professional artists. We meet every Tuesday evening in Knole Academy.

New members are always welcome at all levels of ability.

Visit for more information.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Youth Café Opens 4th July 2012

Sevenoaks Town Council and Sevenoaks Youth Council are pleased to announce that the long awaited Sevenoaks Youth Café opens next Wednesday and would like to invite you to the pre-opening event

Wednesday 4 July 2012
11am in the Plaza Suite Stag Community Arts Centre (TN13 1ZZ)
Guided tours for the Youth Café will be provided in groups

The Youth Café’s name was agreed following a period of consultation to be and will be open for 11-18 year olds, after school, weekends, and holidays. The venue is also available to hire when not in use as a Youth Café.

Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust (ICET) celebrated its tenth birthday with a special competition that had a first prize of £150,000.
The Sevenoaks team made their case for getting the top prize with obvious enthusiasm and commitment leaving the ICET Trustees in no doubt who should be the winners.

Sevenoaks Town Council and Sevenoaks Youth Council wish to publicly that the following organisations, without whose financial support the project would not have been possible:

Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust
HOUSE (Kent County Council)
Stag Community Arts Centre
Local Strategic Parnetship

     Linda Larter MBE, Chief Executive/Town Clerk
     01732 459953

Beer on the Vine 2012 - Beer Festival

Edit: These are the details for the 2012 Beer on the Vine Event
See Here for this year's event

On Friday 6th July (5pm - 10pm) and Saturday 7th July (11am - 10pm) the Lions Club of Sevenoaks will be holding their annual beer festival at the Vine cricket pavilion.

There will be over 25 beers and ciders. Food will also be available.

Entry is £4 (CAMRA members £2) includes Festival Tankard

Further info from Roger Hope 01732 810197