Thursday 19 July 2012

District Council Prepared for Terrorist Attack

UPDATE: Council responds to this article

Workers at the Sevenoaks District Council offices in Argyle Road have been told not to book meetings or appointments for Friday 20th July when the Olympic Torch comes to Sevenoaks so that they can all be available in the event of a terrorist attack.

Staff have been issued with high visibility jackets to wear if an attack happens, presumably because they will be asked to direct members of the public away from the event or to medical help etc.

No information is available at this time as to whether an actual threat exists as no warnings have been passed on to either the public or organisations preparing to be present on the day. Whether the council has received any intelligence from counter terrorism forces or is just making prudent preparations also remains to be seen.

While Sevenoaks seems an unlikely target for terrorist action local MP Michael Fallon is in a very high ranking position within the Conservative Party and could, potentially, attract interest from terrorists. We have yet to receive confirmation of whether Michael Fallon will be attending the event.

Note: Sevenoaks Newswire has no information to indicate an attack is either likely or expected. If you have any concerns about this event please contact the relevant authorities for up to date information.