Wednesday 31 October 2012

Petition Against Parking Charges

Sevenoaks Liberal Democrats have begun a campaign to get Sevenoaks District Council to abandon plans to increase the cost of parking in Sevenoaks Town from 2013.

Sevenoaks residents can sign up on the Sevenoaks Liberal Democrat Website.

Parking has been a hot button issue in Sevenoaks over the last few years, with regular price rises being brought in by the Council.

Many residents, traders and shop keepers have complained that the cost of parking is off-putting to potential shoppers and is contributing to the decline of the High Street.

The Council claims that parking charges are an essential revenue making exercise for them and without increases they would be unable to pay for essential services.

It would seem that if visitor numbers are decreasing then increasing the parking charges to make up the shortfall in revenue can only work up to a point.

Previous attempts to get the District Council to debate the issue fully have been ignored despite campaigners achieving the requisite number of signatures.

Sevenoaks Liberal Democrats

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