Friday 8 March 2013

MY FAVOURITE FINDS, talk by Geoff Burr of WKDC

This illustrated talk by Geoff Burr from the West Kent Detector Club will highlight some of the fascinating artefacts found during his time in archaeology and metal detecting and includes a display of finds from the Darent Valley, near Sevenoaks.

9th March 3:00 - 5:30 PM
Eden Valley Museum, Edenbridge High Street

Tickets  -£8
EVMT members - £7
Children under 16 - £2

Available from Edenbridge Bookshop or the Museum. Museum open hours will be extended for viewing the exhibition Lost and Found - artefacts found in the Eden Valley, which runs until May 18th.

Contact details:
  Jane Higgs
  01732 868102

For more details see

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