Wednesday 8 August 2012

Part Time Work For Professionals

A new Tonbridge recruitment agency is focusing on getting qualified professional people back to the part-time work place after a career break.

A section of the workforce which is often over-looked is being promoted by the new Kent based firm, Juno People (

There are a myriad of reasons why men and women want to work part-time and there are roughly 5 million of us choosing to do so from all walks of life. City types, chief execs, directors, managers, accountants, IT wunderkind, these are the new breed of people abandoning the full-time job market.

"We think employers are now recognising that in these economic times a professional part-time member of staff can often be just what is required. There has been a sea-change in the way employers look at job-structure and what can be achieved part-time.

"Part-time staff members bring so many skill sets to the table such as great qualifications, professional experience, life skills and they put in the effort and commitment needed at a cost companies can afford" says Juno People's MD, Laura Mathias.

Born from her own professional experience and desire to re-address work/life balance, Laura hopes to bring the employers and candidates together offering a valuable service to the regional business community.

For additional information, contact Laura Mathias 07714 777851