Tuesday 26 June 2012

Bar Manager Heads for Sunnier Climes

Sevenoaks Bar Manager and former Town Councillor Rob Dobson is preparing to leave his job at the Vine Club where he provides a bar for both the Sevenoaks Vine Cricket Club and the Sevenoaks Hockey Club.

He has been offered 'the job of a lifetime' as the Bar Manager of the Sandals resort in Antigua in the Caribbean. A job with great advancement potential and, not least, the chance to live in many people's dream holiday location.

Previously, former Sevenoaks School boy Rob has managed the Royal Oak Tap, was part of the management team at The Chequers and a relief manager at The Plough in Ivy Hatch. He is also currently the deputy Chairman of the Sevenoaks Liberal Democrats.

While he says he will miss Sevenoaks this is an opportunity he'd 'be a fool to turn down'.