Monday 18 June 2012

Calling all media students!

The summer holidays are on their way so we thought we'd suggest something to keep you occupied.

Sevenoaks News Wire is always on the lookout for new stories to publish. One of them could be yours!

We publish news and information that is relevant and of interest to people living and working in the Sevenoaks area. Why don't you submit news that you come across?

We can't pay for submissions but we can offer you good experience of working a story and getting it published online. You will get full credit and there is always the possibility that someone may pick up your story for publication elsewhere. We are followed by people from the Sevenoaks Chronicle and other Sevenoaks and Kent based print publications who may find your article interesting.

What to write?

We can't tell you what to write about as learning how to spot a story is all part of the experience but you'll find that there are more things to write about than you first imagined. You don't need to focus on sensationalism and scandal like the main stream national and international media seem to do. Just think about being interesting an informative.

We don't accept editorial content. We are looking for balanced coverage of local issues and not your comments on them. Try to cover all sides of the story and leave the reader to make up his or her mind on the subject.

We do accept: interviews, photos, video reports, analysis articles and more. Contact Us if you are unsure if your article is suitable. Remember, we also accept press releases and community announcements. So, if you think of yourself as being less of a journalist and more into marketing and public relations you can still take part.

The legal bit

Sevenoaks News Wire cannot be responsible for the content of your article but we will refuse to publish work that is clearly false or unsupported by evidence. Please cite your sources where possible.

We cannot publish articles that are in breach of the law. This includes (but isn't limited to) libellous remarks, information protected by the Official Secrets Act, comments inciting racial or religious hatred and the publishing of privileged information or facts currently under a 'gagging order' issued by a judge.

If you ask someone for their comments on a subject please inform them that you intend to publish it. Always give people the right of reply before writing about them.

Should you make false accusations (or those unsupported by evidence) in your writing you may face legal action from those you have mentioned in your article.

That all sounds a bit scary but if you approach your writing in a serious and methodical way you'll be fine and your articles will be better for it.

We look forward to seeing what you come up with. Good luck!