Monday 11 June 2012

Is Your Website Illegal?

The new EU regulations regarding the use of cookies on websites came into force at the end of May.

They require website owners to provide users with clear information about the cookies used on the website and users MUST have actively opted in before cookies are used.

It is the website owner's responsibility to understand the new regulations and implement the necessary changes to their site. This includes not only sites for businesses but those for sport clubs, societies, community groups and individuals.

Finding Hidden Cookies

Many website owners may not be aware that cookies are being used behind the scenes on their website. Statistics tools like Google Analytics often use cookies without the visitor or website owner realising but it is now the website owners responsibility to deal with these cookies and not Google or other third parties.

Sevenoaks Web Design partnership mjcpk are offering a Cookie Audit service where they check your website for cookies and provide advice and solutions on how to comply with the new regulations.

More info: