Monday 11 June 2012

New Website for St. John's Medical Practice

 The St. John's Medical Practice website offers a new look and new features for patient.

Repeat Prescriptions 

A new secure repeat prescription service has been introduced via the website and can be accessed by clicking on the box/icon below or the top left menu option 'Prescriptions'. As this is a new service it unfortunately requires those who were registered on the old website to re-register using an email address and password. This can be a new password or you may use your existing one to create the new account.

New Appointments System 

Tthe new appointments system trial begins on 18th June 2012. This involves telephone triage with a GP and necessitates that appointments can not be given to people who turn up at the door in the morning expecting to be seen. A telephone triage appointment will be given instead.

For more information: